Thursday, October 27, 2011

'Sensitivity Gene' predicts reaction to CBT

In class several hot topics have addressed the genetics of anxiety disorders and depression. We know there are two forms of Serotonin Transporter Promoter Polymorphism (5HTPP)- one long, and one short. Now these genes can be used in a study "to predict whether a child suffering from anxiety disorder will benefit from cognitive behavior therapy." After a series of tests, those with a shorter 5HTPP were found to be more likely to benefit from CTB. This is interesting in that longer 5HTPP's are usually shown to be reflective of more positive feelings. But the theory is that if a shorter 5HTPP causes stronger negative feelings, it's reaction to the CTB is more significant. CTB is based on the idea that our thoughts control our feelings and behaviors. Because anxiety is the most prominent disorder among children (10% have some form of anxiety disorder), these findings may prove very valuable.


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